Drama lies in extreme exaggeration of the feelings, an exaggeration that dislocates flat everyday reality.

Friday, November 12, 2010

True Art

This is my very first attempt at dramatic prose. it was partly sparked by a thought that has been racing around in my head all day about the value of true art and not selling out.

I sit here and I write, what am I writing? Some kind of sanctimonious testimonial about how the world would be a better place if there wasn’t so much violence on the street. What the fuck do I know about street violence, I sit her in my room typing away at my computer about things I pretend to know about educating the readers of my column about something I have no idea about myself. I write about street violence but I’ve never been harassed, and I make these guys out to be malicious fucking thugs yet I have absolutely no idea, granted they most likely would be, but how can I write about something I have no experience or idea about. Yes I can read statistics saying that crime is up 12% from last year, I can sit and let the media tell me that if I step outside to buy some milk I’m going to get fucking stabbed, but most of that crap is utter bullshit. I have become what every aspiring university writer always says they will never become, a corporate whore, writing feel good pieces on cat fashion shows or a old ladies that lived to one-hundred and ten. And when a topic that is serious and informative comes my way, I have nothing to write about. University students tell people that they will never sell out, never demean their craft but you know what, it’s the only way to fucking survive, True art is dead, the only form art left is diluted into mother-fucking trash that serves only as either a petty amusement or space in between ads for tampons. We believe that as artists we make a difference, we are wrong.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Well I held out for as long as I could, but here I am, blogging. This is my very very first blog so I'm not exactly sure on what to talk about........... sooo do you come here often? Ok enough about that! My name is Nick and I'm what you would describe as a college theatre dork...hence the name of my blog! I LOVE MUSIC THEATRE and my ipod consists of about 90% of songs from musicals :) I want to use this blog to tell everyone about all the exciting theatre things i find around the cactus or just to over glorify my own lame achievements if anyone is in Melbourne i will be posting the shows I'm in or shows that my friends are in! but basically the only reason i have this blog is so i can crap on about stuff no one wants to hear about and maybe interest one or two people on my view of the cosmos :) ill tell you a little about myself..... i am currently studying science/performing arts at Monash University, i live in Melbourne, which i love contrary to popular belief, i enjoy photography and singing and acting.....fancy that! i have a girlfriend called Elly, who i love dearly and a bestie called Victoria, who i also love dearly, both put up with my random breaking into song and dance..and are known on the odd occasion to join in! Anyway i think thats enough for now but i will post again as soon as i have a free moment i will also leave a inspirational theatre quote at the end of every post because i fell it brings a touching feel to my blogs........yea right.... anyway heres number 1!

I think theater ought to be theatrical ... you know, shuffling the pack in different ways so that it's-- there's always some
kind of ambush involved in the experience. You're being ambushed by an unexpected word,
or by an elephant falling out of the cupboard, whatever it is.

TOM STOPPARD, Interview, March 10, 1999